The Golden Spoon
The Golden Spoon is here to help anyone who struggles with the largest internal problems all the way down to small day-in and day-out bumps in the road. We are two guys who have come to the conclusion that everyone who has a heart beating inside them deserves to get all forms of mental help, counseling, and love, so pick up a tiny golden spoon and dig a little deeper with us on your journey!
The Golden Spoon
S11E7 - Through The Eyes Of A Child
There’s a specific facet of love that I feel is what sustains love, what keeps it alive. Wonder. Awe. That experience of seeing something as if for the first time, or seeing something so beautiful it has the ability to change a previously held perception.
Wonder is something that we have in abundance as children. If you have a little one in your life, you might witness that very small children are almost perpetually in awe. Each insect, tree, flower, bird call, is a world unto itself in the eyes of a child. In that state of wonder, there is nowhere else to be and a beautiful conversation has the opportunity to blossom in that presence.
I have wandered through many of my favourite green spaces, so well trodden in my love for them and the comfort our meeting brings me, without paying more than a few moments of attention to the magical intricacies of the place. How many times have you done the same? I’ve asked myself a lot, what happens when we stop dwelling in the awesomeness of this natural world? My climate journey becomes narrowed towards “shoulds”, I notice my beliefs about how things ought to be and who should do what gets harsher, and there certainly isn’t time for slowness or pleasure.
Wondering is a skill that opens up how we think about the world and invites a deeper union with the life outside of ourselves. It encourages us to think differently. The more we practice wondering, the more we begin to think about the world with flexibility and curiosity, rather than believing that everything is fixed. This practice is an invitation for seeing a space you visit regularly through the eyes of a child. As we grow older, we are rewarded for knowing rather than wondering. This practice encourages you to play with wondering through the process of asking questions, even about things you think you already know the answer to.
This week we would like to highlight The Shriner if you would like to learn more or donate click the link below https://donate.lovetotherescue.org/campaign/646130/donate?c_src=google&c_src2=holiday-2024-nonbrand&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgoq7Bh
The 988 Lifeline
988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.) https://988lifeline.org/
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