The Golden Spoon
The Golden Spoon is here to help anyone who struggles with the largest internal problems all the way down to small day-in and day-out bumps in the road. We are two guys who have come to the conclusion that everyone who has a heart beating inside them deserves to get all forms of mental help, counseling, and love, so pick up a tiny golden spoon and dig a little deeper with us on your journey!
The Golden Spoon
S9E12 - Back to School Ft Bailey B.
Please welcome Bailey Jeremy's daughter on her first episode where we get to hear about the anxiety inducing situation that is starting the new school year. We hope you enjoy what a young mind sheds light on in her school life and how it affects her mental health. This is the first time we have the opportunity to speak to a young person about their views of school and what causes them stress. Please be attentive to the messages and themes in this episode.
Sensory processing refers to the mechanisms of how we feel. It is how we use what we sense to make sense of the world around us, and it underpins every aspect of human functioning. Everyone processes sensation. The sensory messages we receive from our bodies and the world around us are responded to in every single thing we do in life. In each instance our sensory systems provide vital information that we use to be successful. Sensory processing and integration is foundational to healthy development, function, participation, learning and psychological well-being.
This week we would like to highlight Star Institute you would like to learn more or donate click here https://members.spdstar.org/donations/
Please leave a comment and review our episode and give some feedback on what we can improve on!
Thank You All For Listening and Downloading
We drop an episode every Thursday
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The 988 Lifeline
988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis services. (Please note, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.) https://988lifeline.org/
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